
The man himself approves

The man himself approves entertainment 77 Likes 5 Comments Jerre Neeley Lakeshia Davis Yes!!! Xyza Yoradyl De Vera gonna be a flop, with todays standard, lgbtqi friendly and forced diversity, not that it's bad to get people of color but they choose bad actors everytime, political correctness destroyed most movies and will do it again, it's a really bad idea to make a movie nowadays Jacob Smith...
Bánh mặn Cách làm bánh cuốn burrito với rau củ  Ngày 14 tháng 9 năm 2022    bởi  VO THI HANG       12  Likes     81  Lượt xem Chuẩn bị 0 Phút Nấu 0 Phút Tổng Cộng 50 Phút Phục vụ 2 Người ...

Sue her back

Sue her back relationship 122 Likes 11 Comments Mary Dewitt John P Irwin File a restraining order. Get her out of your life. Document everything and claim it was her to the police. Anything to make it so you have evidence. Keep texts. Etc. Abdulla Al Mamun When did this happen? Do you still have any bruises/injuries? Were there any violent situations between the two of you that other people are aware of? ...

Just because they are pissed that the world considers them to have german as the main language hehe

Just because they are pissed that the world considers them to have german as the main language hehe country 138 Likes 8 Comments Deigee Grandee Keny Ewican Divina Klaassen OACHKATZLSCHWOAF Géraldine Poulin Or just learn german and visit Germany and go off touristic-circuit. Languages change every 50 kms, it's called anthropology. ...